Microsoft Teams Adoption Workshops

Sii Sp. z o.o.

Microsoft Teams Adoption 2-days Workshops will provide customers with insight into how organizations are leveraging the Microsoft Teams platform to improve business performance

The offer includes a two-day workshop during which the use of Microsoft Teams will be explained. The workshop should be attended by anyone starting their work with Microsoft Teams, both beginners and semi-advanced users. Participants are encouraged to ask questions during the presentation. The following issues will be discussed during the workshop:

Microsoft Teams Workshops Agenda

Day 1

  1. Setup
  2. Microsoft Teams Introduction (General description of a tool – HUB for Modern Workplace (Office 365 applications and applications from other manufacturers, Different versions of application: desktop/web/mobile, Benefits of using Microsoft Teams app)
  3. Chat - Private Conversations (Demo, Initiate new 1:1 chat, Rich text editor, React on other person chat message, How to start immediate meeting with person)
  4. Teams (Hierarchy in Teams: Team – Channel – Tab, Private Channels, Posts in Teams vs Conversation in chat, Sharing a file with Team/Channel, @mentioning)

Day 2 5. Channels (Channels list, Regular vs Private Channel – when to use Private channels, Single channel – General vs Custom Channels, Single channel options) 6. Calendar (Teams Calendar sync with Outlook Calendar, Schedule a Meeting from Teams, Scheduling Assistant, Meeting chat / files / notes / whiteboard, Meeting options) 7. Live events (Meetings up to 10 000 attendees, Producers and Presenters responsible for streaming preparation, Q&A session, Live captions)

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