Dovico Timesheet

por Dovico

(23 Classificações)

Manage your time for projects and tasks, and see total hours worked for the day and week.

Track your timesheet for projects and tasks and check the approval status of each time entry (approved, rejected, under review and not submitted). Your time entries can be flagged as billable or nonbillable. This is a time saver that will help you get back to what is important, your meaningful work. Requires a Dovico Timesheet subscription for every user

  • Create a new time entry
  • Ability to edit and delete a non-submitted entry
  • When a calendar event is created, the event title and the start/end time will be filled in for you
  • See a list of all time entries entered for the day (with totals for the day/week)
  • Ability to see the status of each time entry (approved, rejected, under review and not submitted)
  • Mark time entry as billable or nonbillable
  • Submit time for the week

Funcionalidades do aplicativo

Quando esse aplicativo é usado, ele
  • Pode enviar dados pela Internet
  • Esse aplicativo pode acessar e modificar informações pessoais na mensagem ativa, como o corpo, o assunto, o remetente, os destinatários e as informações de anexo. Ele pode enviar esses dados a um serviço de terceiros. Outros itens em sua caixa de correio não podem ser lidos ou modificados.

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