Case Tempo

por Case Tempo

Document templates add-in for Case Tempo - convert existing documents to templates in seconds!

This is your connection directly from Word into Case Tempo, the simplest lead & case management software for small legal practices. Use your existing document templates or any Word document you want to convert to template. Insert your intake form placeholders into your document to connect them to you case intake forms and upload the template to Case Tempo in seconds. See what the document would look like when filled for each and every case.

The template documents are stored in the Amazon S3 storage when uploaded in a secured location accessible only to your Case Tempo account.

Add-in capabilities

When this add-in is used, it

  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

Funcionalidades do aplicativo

Quando esse aplicativo é usado, ele
  • Pode ler ou fazer alterações no documento
  • Pode enviar dados pela Internet

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