SpotDraft for Outlook
por SpotDraft
Upload contracts to SpotDraft, fetch and mail SpotDraft contracts - all without leaving Outlook
Introducing SpotDraft's Outlook Add-in! Manage your contracting efficiently with an intuitive UI and hassle-free experience!
Key features:
Attach the latest version of your contracts to your email directly: This is incredibly useful when you have to send a contract to your customer quickly without the struggle of finding the latest version in your computer folder.
Upload a contract directly to your SpotDraft account: You no longer have to download the file to your computer first and then upload it to SpotDraft. It can all be done without ever leaving your Outlook inbox.
Upload a new version to your SpotDraft account: When you get a new version of a contract from your customer, upload it directly to the existing contract so that you don’t lose track of the changes.
Assign reviewers: When uploading the contract to SpotDraft, you can now assign a reviewer. You no longer have to send a notification to someone through email or other messaging platforms.
You need a SpotDraft account to use the Add-in. Don't have one? Get a free trial at
Funcionalidades do aplicativo
- Pode enviar dados pela Internet
- Esse aplicativo pode acessar e modificar informações pessoais na mensagem ativa, como o corpo, o assunto, o remetente, os destinatários e as informações de anexo. Ele pode enviar esses dados a um serviço de terceiros. Outros itens em sua caixa de correio não podem ser lidos ou modificados.