Hybrid Streamliner
por Ditox
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Professionalize hybrid working by improving leadership and having clear and sound team arrangements.
Hybrid working is here to stay. However, organizations often still struggle with aspects such as connectedness, trust, efficiency, productivity, and being an attractive employer. With the help of this app, team members and team leaders consult with each other based on various suggestions regarding hybrid working, to come to new, collective agreements. Team members feel heard, and team leaders gain better insight into what is happening and how to manage it. The separate section for team leaders further assists them with this. Lastly, the app also includes various hand-picked videos that make hybrid working easier and more enjoyable.
Funcionalidades do aplicativo
Quando esse aplicativo é usado, ele
- Pode enviar dados pela Internet
- Esse aplicativo pode acessar informações pessoais na mensagem ativa, como números de telefone, endereços postais ou URLs. O aplicativo pode enviar esses dados para um serviço de terceiros. Outros itens em sua caixa de correio não podem ser lidos ou modificados.
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