PowerBI Template App for Salesforce
por Fresh BI
PowerBI Template App for Salesforce
So, what is a Power BI Template App?
A Power BI Template App is a published Power BI solution that can be used by any company that has the data platform for which the Template App was created.
Wouldn’t it be nice to pick your entire Power BI Solution off the shelf - one crafted for your specific business needs and your specific data structure. Power BI Template Apps are designed to be such an out-of-the-box solution and this blog post is an example of such for a Power BI Solution for Salesforce.
Inside of this FREE Power BI Template App you will find all of the necessary elements for creating a simple pipeline model for Salesforce. This template is meant to be an entry level solution for Salesforce and Power BI, showcasing the basics. This template app could provide a starting point for more advanced reporting.