Zen E-Orders WS


Zen E-Orders receives and sends orders and other related documents in electronic format

Zen E-Orders is the ZenShare Suite solution for receiving and sending orders and other related documents in electronic format.

Zen E-Orders connects buyers and suppliers through intermediaries such as PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement OnLine, european network) and NSO (Nodo Smistamento Ordini, italian network): Zen E-Orders moves orders and other related documents (transport documents, order confirmations) to and from buyers, helping them being loaded into ERP of suppliers.

Zen E-Orders Key points are:

  • Cloud service hosted on Microsoft Azure;
  • Best fit both for end-customers and ERP vendors
  • Interzen NSO accreditation as italian intermediary (GTLWJSS6)
  • Interzen PEPPOL qualification as Access Point and Service Metadata Publisher
  • Integration with Interzen ZenShare Suite (document management, CRM, project management)
  • Integration with third party systems, such as ERPs (API REST)

Zen E-Orders WS is part of the ZenShare Suite which obtained most relevant certifications to offer the highest data security for all of its solutions.
ZenShare Suite is hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Provider to optimize costs, boost performances and shrink problems. Moreover, ZenShare Suite is integrated with Microsoft Azure Active Directory, to enable single sign-on of users.

Click on ‘Get It Now’ to run Zen E-Orders WS. Not ready to buy? Contact us for more information, an online demo and private offers at

Several companies have already chosen ZenShare Suite: Convatec, Cerved Group, Fater, De Cecco, Gardant, Gruppo Sole 24 Ore, Rina Prime Property, Kiton, Gruppo Camst, Fujifilm, Hydro, Hanon Systems, Barcelò, Amadeus, Gardant, Seri Industrial, Magna Powertrain, Banca CF+, Elcon Megarad.
Different economic sectors are using ZenShare Suite, such as Technology, Services, Publishing, Public, Manufacturing, Health, Finance, Environment, Engineering, Energy.

About ZenShare Suite

Today ZenShare Suite has more than 240 customers, more than 10.000 users and more than 1.600 managed company accounts.
Furthermore, Interzen and ZenShare Suite gained several relevant certifications because our work is based on the goal of offering and guaranteeing certified quality services to our customers:
  • ISO 9001:2015 – Quality of Organization
  • ISO 27001:2017 – Information Security Management System (ISMS) - (upcoming in Q1 2023)
  • SDI and NSO Accreditations
  • AGID AP (Access Point) e SMP Peppol (Service Metadata Publisher) qualification
  • MEPA - Electronic Market of the Public Administration - Online purchases
  • SaaS AgID qualification
  • Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)

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