Lexplore - AI-based literacy screening and systematic reading development service

por Lexplore

Lexplore Reading analytics and a smart systematic reading development service

This innovative screening and systematic reading development service is available in English, Swedish, Norwegian, German, and Portuguese.

Lexplore is an innovative rapid reading assessment. It’s powered by eye-tracking and artificial intelligence technologies. A teacher can obtain a student’s reading level in just a few minutes. This unique high-tech process provides teachers with real-time data for intervention that directly correlates to a student’s reading capability.
Staff members can use Lexplore for continuously updated placement decisions, resource allocation decisions, and progress monitoring.
Results can be viewed at the district, school, classroom, and individual student levels. The objective information can be shared at parent-teacher conferences and IEP meetings.
Students with reading challenges can be quickly identified and teachers can act immediately to get them on track to reading at or above grade level.

Students get recommended reading activities and books based on their own reading ability level within the Lexplore service.

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