por Namogoo
Real-time Predictive AI For The Customer Experience
The Challenge:
Today, many online businesses rely solely on historical data for decision-making, hindering their capacity to swiftly adapt to real-time changes. This disconnection not only affects their time to market but also constrains their potential for growth and evolution.
Using a one-step tag deployment with any tag management platform, Wandz.ai leverages Microsoft Machine Learning and Azure technologies to collect in-session data from online visitors and predict future behaviors and actions on any web property. No coding needed.
The Solution:
Wandz.ai is a Predictive AI platform that collects in-session data from online visitors, including those who haven’t logged in or have no history, to build and run real-time models that accurately forecast future actions and behaviors. The real-time predictions and in-session data are used to take immediate action within the same session or page view to enhance/personalize the customer experience.
Wandz.ai is comprised of three key features:
1. AI Feature Collection & Management:
Access a rich repository of pre-populated visitor data signals
Customize data signals with a flexible framework, importing real-time data points from browser cookies, storage, and the DOM
Integrate these signals seamlessly into your prediction models
Utilize pre-built or custom audiences effortlessly, without a single line of code
Seamlessly integrate audiences into your existing data, technology, and business tools
Define audiences for training models and specify where these models will be deployed
Utilize pre-built templates or build custom prediction models tailored to your metrics of interest, leveraging live user data and historical journeys
Validate predictions with real-world data, fine-tuning models for reliability and accuracy
Deploy models to receive live predictions, enabling instant action or enhancing downstream analytics
Run multiple models simultaneously, allowing them to compete and deliver optimal results to achieve your desired goals
The platform is 100% secure and GDPR and CCPA compliant.