
por RockStep Solutions, Inc

SaaS collaboration suite for managing in vivo drug discovery data and operations.

Climb 2.0 solves the problem of data chaos and operational inefficiencies that create costly bottlenecks and missteps in animal testing (in vivo) for drug discovery. 

Climb is a SaaS collaboration suite that unites all members of the in vivo study team on one platform regardless of where they are located.  Team members can access Climb securely from any modern device, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Climb aggregates and harmonizes data and unifies processes and ultimately improves lab efficiencies and data quality.,
Climb automates data collection with direct connections to bluetooth devices, such as scales and calipers, and has a robust API and data import tools that can consume data from lab test equipment such as blood chem analyzers.
Climb's users include 
  • scientists designing studies and research decisions based on results,
  • study directors who are responsible for the study execution quality and data integrity,
  • data analysts who need to retrieve, QC, and harmonize data for analysis,
  • scheduling and logistics teams responsible for resource management and lab workflows, 
  • lab technician teams executing workflows, 
  • animal care takers responsible for breeding and animal welfare
  • veterinarians responsible for animal health and treatment
  • IT professionals responsible for data security.
With all users on one platform and tools for data capture, lab managers, study directors, and scientists have full situational awareness into the the progress of their research with access to data on demand.

Climb reduces errors, speeds operations, and improves quality.

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