Teams as a Platform-9 Hour Workshop

KiZAN Technologies

Utilize Microsoft Teams to modernize your organization's communications strategy with Viva Connections and Company Communicator and build a modern communication strategy to supplement existing communi

Utilize Microsoft Teams as more than a meeting and collaboration platform.

During this no-cost-to-you engagement, KiZAN and Microsoft will jointly conduct an initial “art of the possible” review and demonstrate common use cases for utilizing Microsoft Teams as more than a meeting and collaboration platform.

After these demonstrations and discussions, KiZAN will collaborate with customer participants to evaluate current line of business solutions and determine if they have existing Microsoft Teams integration. KiZAN will help your organization develop a strategy to deploy Viva Connections, Company Communicator, and any additional Line of Business integrations to support modernizing your organization’s communication toolchain, making Microsoft Teams a location for all employees to get the important content that they need to discover.

Following the initial workshops, utilizing Microsoft ECIF funding, KiZAN will work directly with the customer to assist in execution of the roadmap that may include the following elements:

  • Deploy Viva Connections and/or Company Communicator to customer environment
  • Coordinate the deployment of at least one Teams integrated app and one pre-built Microsoft Teams App (Employee Ideas etc.)

Workshop Agenda
  • Review Microsoft Teams Apps Platform and envision solutions-2 Hours
  • Review pre-built Teams integrations via Teams App Store integrations-4 Hours
  • Joint solution planning and whiteboarding-2 Hours
  • Documentation and recommendations-1 Hour
Sample Deployment Deliverables
  • Viva Connections deployed organization wide
  • Company Communicator deployed to customer’s Azure and Teams environment
  • Communications stakeholders enabled on usage scenarios for the tool

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