Microsoft Teams Performance Assessment (Return to Office): 3-week Assessment


Presidio offers an analysis of Microsoft Teams performance, providing recommendations on optimization and a review of overall best practices.

Presidio offers an analysis of Microsoft Teams performance, providing recommendations on optimization and a review of overall best practices.

Microsoft Teams Best Practices Review end user devices, desktops, and laptops Review internet bandwidth, firewall, network, switching, and wireless architecture Review general best practices for Microsoft Teams

Application Performance Management (APM) Using APM software installed on a sample size of end user devices, Presidio will compile, review, and report on endpoint performance focused on Microsoft Teams

Quality of Service (QoS) Review QoS to ensure the trust domain is extended to the Windows operating system, Windows Global Policy is properly tagging DSCP, and validate that those markings are honored on the network until it reaches the internet egress

Microsoft Network Assessment Tool Install the Microsoft Teams Network Assessment Tool and compile, review, and report on network issues found focused on Microsoft Teams

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