ScanPayGo for LS Central
de LS Retail
Put the Point of Sale in your shoppers’ hand
Give your customers an app to shop at their own pace and convenience. With ScanPayGo shoppers can scan products, add them to the cart, and pay for them using their phone – no need to line up at the register.
The ScanPayGo app unites self-scanning, loyalty, self-checkout, and more in just one app. You can let customers run the app on their own mobile device, or offer ScanPayGo on a retailer-owned device in the store.
ScanPayGo is connected to LS Central, the unified retail management software that extends Business Central with advanced retail functionality.
With ScanPayGo, your customers can:
· Self-scan items into their basket
· Pay for their shopping on the app or transfer the cart to checkout
· Maintain and share shopping lists
· Connect a shopping list their basket to check what they forgot to buy
· Collect and spend loyalty points
· See store offers and promotions
· Look up items and view item information
How it
Are you a retailer? Do you want to offer
the ScanPayGo app to your customers?
you need:
· LS Central (unified retail management software available on AppSource)
· Commerce Service for LS Central (included with LS Central)
· Android and/or iOS devices
All the setup information needed for ScanPayGo is retrieved from LS Central, including item data, item hierarchy, offers, store information and loyalty customers’ data. This means all the product, price, and availability information is always consistent across ScanPayGo, the Point of Sale, your back office, and all other touchpoints.
ScanPayGo for LS Central is available for Android and iOS.
Learn more about unified retail management software LS Central.
Supported Editions:
ScanPayGo supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Business Central.
Supported countries and language:
The ScanPayGo app for LS Central is available in all countries where LS Central is available.