Contract Lifecycle Management for Dynamics 365 CE
A CLM system that's more than eSignature and document storage. Get clarity on all your contracts.
How about having all contractual information at your fingertips?
When shifting to digitized contract management, the goal is to gain better visibility and understanding of all your contracts. Most organizations operate in a scattered digital environment-one tool for each step of the contract lifecycle.
If the tools aren't connected, you'll still end up transferring data manually, risking loss of information along the contract lifecycle, leading to potential disputes and risks, and not having the visibility on the contracts you want. Consequently, you’re not going to make the right decisions. And that will cost you money.
With several entry points, you can start the contract lifecycle in proCONTRACTS wherever you are in terms of your business process.Integrated in your business process, all data is directly available in your CRM to start creating a new contract with a few clicks. It also allows you to upload contract documents and AI will extract the metadata into the system. Making it the platform for customer, supplier and partner contracts.
Key features that give you clarity throughout the contract lifecycle
Integrated into Microsoft Dynamics 365 you can use your familiar Microsoft Dynamics UI with proCONTRACTS. No more cluttered tool landscape. Just one single source of truth that gives you clarity on your contracts.
Because proCONTRACTS is a contract management software purpose-built for Microsoft Dynamics 365® you make the most of your existing IT investments and also benefit from maintaining complete control over your documents and data.
Collaborate on agreements in real time. Take a red pen to the agreement and flag unclear clauses or terms that don’t align with your goals, or modify and revise the document.
Various factors can cause a contract clause to suddenly become a risk. proCONTRACTS identifies all contracts affected by this risk and displays them on your dashboard. Avoid non-compliance and financial loss by taking immediate action.
was designed to support industry-specific and functional add-ons like proCONTRACS | Beverage and proCONTRACTS | AI.
All modules can be
customized to meet your specific needs and requirements.
Others may have strong AI capabilities, but they are often siloed and based on machine learning, which requires a lot of training. Instead, we use AI with relevance-based queries and reduced costs. AI will automatically create one contract for each file and add it to the lifecycle, so that it appears on your dashboard. Once the files are processed you will be able to have an interactive chat about the content of that contract – just like in ChatGPT.
Customer Success Journey:
In everything we do we take a customer first approach. To ensure that the implementation of proCONTRACTS is a fully realized success we developed a program called FastStart. It allows you to adopt contract management in just 2 weeks with these steps:
1. Getting everyone on board at the Kickoff Session – so everyone knows what is going to happen and when.
2. The next step is for you to lean back – we install proCONTRACTS in 1 existing Dynamics 365 Tenant.
3. We train you on how to correctly use proCONTRACTS so you get the most out of it – while teaching you how to train your users, so they can be successful too.
4. Come back to us to ask questions, discuss challenges, and make adjustments as needed.
Alongside we provide great customer support for technical issues and questions.
To learn more about how proCONTRACTS can help you take a look at our overview "About proCONTRACTS" in the Details + Support
Contact us and you’ll get your personal login so you can test
the software for free!
You rather want to talk to one of our proCONTRACTS specialists to evaluate your specific situation? Request a free demo here.
Good to know:
In order to use proCONTRACTS your organization needs Dynamics 365 CE or Power Platform user licenses.
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