Remove Unwanted Characters

de Tyrant Ventures LLC

(7 classificações)

Delete non-printing and special symbols from Excel with Remove Unwanted Characters app by Ablebits

Remove Unwanted Characters app goes through the selected Excel range and takes out all impeding characters according to your settings. You can clean your table of all non-printing characters and line breaks. Easily delete special mathematical, currency and letter-like symbols, punctuation marks, and any custom character you enter.

You can keep invisible or meddlesome characters in a trash bin, not in your spreadsheet.

  • Remove non-printing characters and carriage returns
  • Delete all numeric or text characters from the selected cells
  • Remove symbols and punctuation marks
  • List any characters you want to delete from all selected cells altogether

Please note that any formulas in your range will be overwritten with values. You can cancel the process to keep them, or continue and remove unwanted characters.

This app automates the tedious task of deleting special data from your Excel spreadsheet. Select one of five options and click the Remove button to enjoy quick results.

Capacidades da aplicação

Quando esta aplicação é utilizada,
  • Pode ler e efetuar alterações ao seu documento
  • Pode enviar dados através da Internet

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