Merge Cells

de Tyrant Ventures LLC

(6 classificações)

Merge values in rows, columns, or the entire range using Merge Cells app for Excel 2013 by Ablebits

This simple yet powerful app allows you to merge the contents of the cells in your Excel 2013 table any way you like. Feel free to combine values in each row, column, or bring all values in the range together. You can enter a delimiter for the merged values and choose where you want to have the results.

  • Merge values within rows
  • Combine entries within the selected columns
  • Merge values from all the selected cells into one
  • Use a small pre-view on the app pane to see how the data will look

Please note that any formulas in your range will be overwritten with values. You can cancel the process to keep them, or continue and merge the values.

Choose how you want to merge your data in Excel and click one button to get values from cells, columns, or rows merged.

Capacidades da aplicação

Quando esta aplicação é utilizada,
  • Pode ler e efetuar alterações ao seu documento
  • Pode enviar dados através da Internet

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