
de Paixon GmbH

(38 classificações)

Micromate teaches using personalized learning sessions directly in the chat.

Microlearning - highly motivational thanks to the short learning sessions.

Microlearning means quick quizzes instead of time-consuming learning units.

Conversational - simple, natural and personal.

Micromate is far removed from classical e-learning. It is a little learning buddy that chats with learners and imparts know-how. Innovative e-learning fits in perfectly with modern workplaces.

Messenger Integration - always ready to go.

Micromate can be integrated smoothly into centralized communication solutions, such as Microsoft Teams, where it is available to learners at any time. Additional login data, installation of additional apps or time-consuming onboarding procedures are no longer required. There is nothing standing in the way of accessible e-learning.

Gamification - the easy way to learning success.

Micromate focuses on fun and entertainment. Creative gamification elements motivate and encourage regular learning. This makes the set learning goals easy to reach.

Micromate sends the learner quick quizzes that are then simply answered in the chat. It then gives direct feedback on whether the learner has answered the questions right or wrong. Step by step, this will help to build up on their lasting knowledge.

You need to belong to a learning organization to learn with Micromate.

Do you want to use Micromate for your team and create your own organization and learning content? Please contact us..

Are you already part of a learning organization and have an organization code? Enter your organization code in the chat after installing Micromate.

Capacidades da aplicação

Quando esta aplicação é utilizada,
  • Pode enviar dados através da Internet
  • Esta aplicação pode aceder a informações pessoais na mensagem ativa, como números de telefone, endereços postais ou URLs. Esta aplicação poderá também enviar estes dados a um serviço de terceiros. Não podem ser lidos ou modificados outros itens na sua caixa de correio.

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