Precision Oncology Platform

de Celebal Technologies Private Limited

A Comprehensive End-to-End Solution to Gain Data-Driven Insights for Cancer Care and Oncology

Precision Oncology Platform is a 360-degree digital healthcare solution from Celebal Technologies, aimed at customizing treatment for individual patients and data-driven research in oncology. The interactive visualization dashboard offers a streamlined testing experience by transforming Next-Generation Sequencing data into actionable clinical information and strategic insights to drive informed decisions. Built using next-gen Microsoft technologies, the one-stop precision oncology solution offers a holistic approach to analyze gene mutations in cancer cells for personalized treatment plans and molecular profiling of tumors to identify targetable alterations. Other applications include R&D, diagnosis & prognosis, in-depth variant analysis, biomarker analysis, druggability, and side-effect analysis.
Key Features:
  • Early detection and precise predictions for cancer patients worldwide.
  • In-depth variant analysis helps clients obtain significant insights for personalized treatment
  • Useful in variant & biomarker analysis for R&D purposes.
  • The curated solution enables clients to achieve their goals faster and more efficiently.
  • Comprehensive reports are generated on the basis of quantitative analysis from ts/tv ratio, TMB, MSI and other decisive factors.

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