CompuTds - e-tds solution


Software to file tds ereturn of all types, generation of tds certificates with various reports.

Pre-Scrutiny of e-return before FVU Generation to minimize defaults.

Calculation of Interest and Late filing fees at the time of e-TDS Return also.

Simplified process of preparing correction return with step guidance (Correction map).

Auto Rectify of Justification (Default).

Preparation & filing of Other Online Forms like Form 13, 26QB, 26QC, 26QD, 26B, etc.

Generate digitally signed TRACES Form 16/16A (with mail facility to deductee/deductor) and View status from single page for all client.

Direct Online Activities:

Deductor and DSC Registration at TRACES and ITD Portal.

Import Challan from OLTAS with facility of verify amount and view balance.

TRACES Portal Request & download for Form 16/16A, Justification File and Consolidated FVU file.

Bulk PAN verification at TRACES.

Auto pick & management of Intimations U/s 200A received on your email Id (sent by ITD).

Picking up Token number from TRACES and ITD Portal.

Prepare e-TDS return and Direct Upload at ITD Portal.

Online Challan Correction or Non Filing Declaration at TRACES.

Simplified Registration and Return Filling Process of Form 15G/H at ITD Portal (with Video Help guideline).

Easy Data Transfer:

Repeat Entry option (Next month same TDS entries can be copied and also auto adjusted with challan).

Import Data from Tally/Excel/Bank/e-Return Txt File/etc.

Import 15G/H Entries from XML and Excel file.

Export Employee data to CompuTax.

Move/Transfer Challan and Entries from one Quarter to another Quarter.

Advanced Features:

Alerts for Duplicate PAN/Name or Blank Name and change Invalid PAN at a Glance.

Merge Employees (On the basis of Name and Duplicate PAN).

Video Helps for Various Activities in Software for better understanding of CompuTds.

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