Integrating Microsoft Teams: 2-Hour Briefing


The consultation will help you understand how to fully integrate Teams into your work environment by enabling out-of-the-box apps and plug-ins and implementing custom apps, connectors, and bots.

How a consultation with Brimit experts goes:

  • We connect with your team and listen carefully to understand your business needs
  • We guide you through Microsoft Teams and share best practices for customizing the tool and integrating it with third-party apps or other Microsoft 365 products
  • We go offline for a couple of days and get back with a high-level roadmap and a strategy for accomplishing your goals with Teams.

Microsoft Teams has become a hub for teamwork, connecting employees to a wealth of other applications and services. Teams can be extended in a variety of ways:

Searching for content in third-party apps and sharing it in chats using messaging extensions

Browsing external data in the Teams tabs

Employing bots for routine operations

Apps for Teams meetings

In this customer story, see how partnering with Brimit, Picturepark integrated Teams, turning it into a sophisticated collaboration hub - Here is a short demonstration of Pictureparks’s app for Teams -

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