Microsoft Sustainability Manager 360°: 12-Wk Implementation

Campana & Schott GmbH

Explore and implement Microsoft Sustainability Manager to capture your environmental data, calculate impacts and produce reports in one place.

Whether you focus on compliance, like full filling the new CSRD Standards, or you want to bring your strategic sustainability management to the next level, our experts help you with identifying or defining the right KPIs and inserting them into the Microsoft Sustainability Manager. Together we implement the data and analytics tool for sustainable management at your company and enable you to exploit the solution’s functionalities to the fullest. Agenda:

  1. Discovery: Identify your business case and assess your individual prerequisites for tool implementation. In an Envisioning Workshop we carve out possible use cases by elaborating benefits and effort investments. Together we analyze your status-quo on data readiness and strategic sustainability.
  2. Pilot: Validate the feasibility of your use case and refine implementation roadmap. Our experts roll-out the solution in a test environment and deliver you a proof of concept on a smaller scope. Learnings will be used to conceptualize your roll-out timeline and individual tool extensions.
  3. Implement: Get your ready-to-use tool and start the incremental data ingestion. We offer expertise on the technical roll-out of the solution in your productive environment. This includes the training of your admins and the ingestions of master data.
  4. Prepare: Process your data automatically and gain useful insights for every company level. Set up your calculation models and profiles with our experts and prime your respective users for the adoption of the solution.
  5. Operate: Identify optimization potentials and make data-driven decision for your business. Together we develop an approach to integrate the real time dashboards and scorecard analysis into your existing strategic management process to make the most out of it.

Please note: The appropriate data architecture must be in place for full use of the tool from Day 1. Therefore, we are also happy to support you in the implementation of your individual Green Data Strategy.

Contact us for more information.

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