Thrive with Power BI: Change Management & Adoption Support 6-Mth Implementation

iLink Systems, Inc.

Our solution includes your technical implementation of Power BI and empowers your end users to address concerns, pain points, and creates a process that will encourage org-wide adoption.

Included Business Services:

Readiness Assessment • Identify risks and understand your current state and organizational tolerance for change. Customized Roadmap for Change • Customized plan for not just deploying but utilizing Power BI to move business forward. Communications Planning • Communication is key to any organizational change – we build a plan for what and when to communicate, and how. Governance Frameworks • Structured approach scale and expand reporting solutions securely and safely. Workshops • 10 60-minute sessions on key change management topics and how they apply to your organization. Delivered by a Prosci certified Change Management professional. Office Hours • Up to six 30-minute sessions for you to bring your questions on change management for Power BI deployment to our team of experts.

Who Benefits: Stakeholders, Executive Leadership, BI & Admin, and Business Users

Ideal Customer: Companies who want to not just migrate but adopt Power BI and drive data-driven decision-making

Results: Achieve the benefits you set out for with effective end user preparation and adoption support

The duration of the Power BI Change Management engagement can vary depending on your unique business needs. A typical project duration ranges between 3-12 months.

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