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Servicii de consultanță rezultate
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Toate rezultatele
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps: 1-hour briefingReplyFree one-hour briefing highlighting the core capabilities and benefits provided by Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityThreat Protection
1 out of 60
base-IT Copilot für Microsoft 365 Readiness WorkshopBaseITBereiten Sie sich mit dem base-IT Copilot für Microsoft 365 - Readiness Workshop auf die Zukunft vor. Copilot ist Ihr KI-Assistent, der Ihre täglichen Anwendungen smarter macht.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityKnowledge & InsightsTeamwork Deployment
2 out of 60
Net at Work Security Assessment für Microsoft 365Net at Work GmbHMit dem Microsoft 365 Security Assessment ermitteln wir den Security Reifegrades Ihres Unternehmens und geben Ihnen Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung an die Hand.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementThreat Protection
3 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Copilot Workshop - 2 days WorkshopElgon S.A.Microsoft 365 Copilot Workshop is designed to help organizations adopt Microsoft 365 Copilot
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change ManagementCloud SecurityIdentity & Access Management
4 out of 60
SVA Microsoft Copilot for Security Readiness Workshop 1dSVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbHIn zwei Sitzungen zu jeweils vier Stunden geben wir Ihnen eine umfassende Einführung in Copilot for Security.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityKnowledge & InsightsThreat Protection
5 out of 60
Security für den Einsatz von Microsoft 365 CopilotnovaCapta GmbHEine sichere Basis schaffen und technische Hindernisse aus dem Weg räumen für den Einsatz von Copilot for Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityInformation Protection & GovernanceThreat Protection
6 out of 60
Microsoft Copilot for Security: 2 x 3h WorkshopSkaylink GmbHUnlocking Security Excellence with Microsoft Copilot for Security - 2 x 3h Workshop
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementThreat Protection
7 out of 60
CS Microsoft 365 Copilot for Security 360° - ImplementationCampana & Schott GmbHUtilize Microsoft 365 Copilot for Security to leverage AI to secure your company.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
8 out of 60
Security Assessment2source4 B.V.Volledig Microsoft 365 Security Assessment waarbij pijnpunten in de beveiliging worden blootgelegd en adviezen worden opgesteld om pijnpunten af te dekken.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityDevice Deployment & ManagementIdentity & Access Management
9 out of 60
Policy Management Service Microsoft 365aConTech GmbHAutomatisierte Sicherheit & Effizienz für Microsoft 365. Mit dem Policy Management Service Microsoft 365 bekommt Ihr ein transparentes Richtlinienmanagement für mehr Datenschutz und Produktivität.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityCompliance Advisory ServicesIdentity & Access Management
10 out of 60
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 security assessment: 1-Day AssessmentIntellity GmbHIntellity assesses current Microsoft Defender for Office 365 settings, securing organizations against email threats by implementing best practices and innovative protection methods
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityCompliance Advisory ServicesThreat Protection
11 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Security: 5 Tage AssessmentControlware GmbHErkennung von potentiellen Sicherheitsmängeln, Dokumentation sicherheitsrelevanter Einstellungen und Reduktion des Risikos durch Schadsoftware innerhalb von Microsoft Office 365.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityThreat Protection
12 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Security Assessment:1-Day, WorkshopAll for One Group SEStellen Sie die richtigen Stellschrauben um die Systemsicherheit Ihrer Office 365 / Microsoft 365 Umgebung zu erhöhen. Microsoft 365 Security Assessment via Secure-Score (eintägiger Workshop)
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementInformation Protection & Governance
13 out of 60
Mobile Endpoint Security: 5 Day, WorkshopAll for One Group SESicherheit für Unternehmen, die mobile Endgeräte einsetzen, auf denen Unternehmensdaten sowie persönliche bzw. personenbezogene Daten bearbeitet werden.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityMobile Device ManagementThreat Protection
14 out of 60
Schatten-IT Analyse: 1 Day, WorkshopAll for One Group SEGezielt die „dunklen IT-Flecken“ entdecken und abbauen sowie sichere Alternativen anbieten.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityInformation Protection & GovernanceThreat Protection
15 out of 60
Microsoft Security Deployment: 5-day WorkshopCampana & Schott GmbHUnderstand your Microsoft security posture and minimize risks with the right experts
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityInformation Protection & GovernanceThreat Protection
16 out of 60
Security 360° by aConTech - 1 wk implementationaConTech GmbHSie erhalten folgende Leistungen: Die Implementierung von Identity and Access Management, Threat Protection, Conditional Access, Microsoft 365 Defender sowie Security Monitoring.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementThreat Protection
17 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Security: 1-day AssessmentIF-Blueprint AGNutzen Sie alle Features von Microsoft 365, um Ihre Sicherheit zu erhöhen?!
Wir analysieren Ihren Tenant, erstellen einen Report und geben Ihnen Empfehlungen zum besseren Schutz Ihrer Daten.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityInformation Protection & GovernanceThreat Protection
18 out of 60
PHATremote - Secure Rem. Work: 10Wk ImplementationPHAT CONSULTING GmbHBei der Implementierung verwenden wir die Microsoft-Technik, die euer Unternehmen zum Remote-Erfolg braucht – sicher und compliant mit Microsoft 365 ( Microsoft Teams, Windows Virtual Desktop usw.).
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityMobile Device ManagementTeamwork Deployment
19 out of 60
sepago Envisioning Workshopsepago GmbHGet a deeper insight into Microsoft Defender 365 Portfolio and why it should be your future security solution!
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementThreat Protection
20 out of 60
Microsoft Cloud App Security Workshopscopewyse gmbhNach dem Workshop verfügen die Teilnehmer über die notwendigen Basiskenntnisse für die Konfiguration und Nutzung von Microsoft Cloud App Security.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access Management
21 out of 60
Security Assessment Microsoft 365: 2day assessmentProdware GroupA service for Office 365 and Microsoft 365 protection
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityCompliance Advisory ServicesIdentity & Access Management
22 out of 60
Security Assessment: 1-D WorkshopatworkThe Security Assessment Workshop will support you in focusing on your priorities and security strategy, discovering current threats, learning about Microsoft's security tools and planning next steps.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementInsider Risk
23 out of 60
Zero-Trust: 3-Day AssessmentToreon CVBAA zero-trust assessment to guide you towards improving your Identity posture in Microsoft 365 and Azure AD.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementThreat Protection
24 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Security Assessment (3 days)*PlanB. GmbHGet an actionable security roadmap based on evaluated and prioritized security recommendations for your organization.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityThreat Protection
25 out of 60
Secure Work from Anywhere (2day workshop)NTT Germany AG & Co. KGRemote Work ermöglicht es Millionen von Nutzern angesichts der globalen Gesundheitskrise produktiv zu bleiben, um ihre Organisation bei der Aufrechterhaltung des Geschäftsbetriebes zu unterstützen.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft TeamsCloud SecurityTeamwork Deployment
26 out of 60
Portfolio Rationalisation: 10-Wk ImplementationPricewaterhouseCoopers UKManage security cost by assessing current security capabilities and consolidating security controls, capabilities and services with Microsoft technology
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementInformation Protection & Governance
27 out of 60
Security365 by CyberCare: 3 Wochen ImplementierungArvato SystemsConsulting Service for Microsoft 365 Defender - Tool Configuration and Secure Score Management
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityThreat Protection
28 out of 60
Cloud Security 360° - 10wk ImplementationNTT Germany AG & Co. KGEvaluate, assess and optimize your Cloud Security with our 360° offer
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementMobile Device Management
29 out of 60
Security Readiness Assessment | 5 D | AssessmentInSys AGAssessment zur Überprüfung, Herstellung oder Verbesserung der Security in Infrastrukturen zur sicheren Anwendung von Microsoft 365 und Azure
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change ManagementCloud SecurityIdentity & Access Management
30 out of 60
1-Day Envisioning Workshop - Microsoft XDRwater IT Security GmbHIn product dedicated sessions we will explain the different pieces of Microsoft XDR product families and show the unique value add as solution but also as security platform in the bigger picture.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementThreat Protection
31 out of 60
Microsoft Zero Trust Strategy: 2-Day WorkshopDevoteam Alegri GmbHPlan your Zero Trust Journey – from traditional to a modern Security Strategy.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementInformation Protection & Governance
32 out of 60
The Zero Trust Journey: 6WK ImplementationDevoteam Alegri GmbHThe Zero Trust Journey consists of four distinct steps. Envisioning Workshop, Assessment Workshops, Implementation, Posture Management.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementInformation Protection & Governance
33 out of 60
Encrypt Premium Paket - 2 Tage Impl.aConTech GmbHWir unterstützen Sie bei der Einrichtung und Implementierung des Unified Labeling Clients zur Verschlüsselung von Mails und Dokumenten.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementInformation Protection & Governance
34 out of 60
Threat Protection - 7 days ImplementationSPAN d.d.Enhance the security of your cloud environment to make it less vulnerable to cyber attacks. Security built into Microsoft 365 provides excellent opportunities for enterprise protection.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityThreat Protection
35 out of 60
Transition to Cloud: 1-day Workshopthinformatics AGZiel des Workshops ist die gemeinsame Erarbeitung eines Fahrplans für Ihre Cloud Transition!
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementInformation Protection & Governance
36 out of 60
Identity & Access Management: 1-Mth ImplementationOfficeline SAMicrosoft 365 Identity & Access Management to improve and streamline security on cloud and applications
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementMobile Device Management
37 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Migration: 6-wöchige ImplementierungOrange Networks GmbHUnsere Consultants begleiten die Migration Ihrer Umgebung auf Microsoft 365 und unterstützen Sie bei der Einführung eines Managed-Services-Modells.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityTeamwork Deployment
38 out of 60
Microsoft 365: 1-wöchiges Proof-of-Concept (PoC)Orange Networks GmbHUnsere Consultants erarbeiten in Workshops gemeinsam mit Ihnen ein Proof-of-Concept für den Einsatz von Microsoft 365 in Ihrem Unternehmen.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityTeamwork Deployment
39 out of 60
HomeRun mit Microsoft 365: 1-tägiges AssessmentOrange Networks GmbHMit HomeRun haben wir eine integrierte Lösung auf Basis von Microsoft 365 entwickelt, mit der sichere Zusammenarbeit für Ihre Mitarbeiter im Homeoffice im Handumdrehen funktioniert.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementInformation Protection & Governance
40 out of 60
Information Protection - 1Month ImplementationOfficeline SAAn offering of Microsoft Information Protection implementation to improve and streamline compliance across all environments.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityInformation Protection & Governance
41 out of 60
Threat Protection: 2-Month ImplementationOfficeline SAThreat protection with Microsoft Defender products. We deliver a solution that improves and streamlines threat protection for every organization.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityThreat Protection
42 out of 60
Defender for Office 365: 3-Day ImplementationITC Secure LtdAccelerated Deployment of Microsoft Defender for Office 365 including demonstration and best practice
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityDevice Deployment & ManagementThreat Protection
43 out of 60
Microsoft Teams Kompakt 3-Tage WorkshopFUJITSU3-Tägiger Workshop als Teams Einführung mit dem Ergebniss einer dedizierten Testumgebung und eines Mitarbeitertrainings.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityCompliance Advisory ServicesInformation Protection & Governance
44 out of 60
Change Management 6-Months ImplementationSupremo Sp. z o.o.Bądź pewny, że zaangażowanie użytkowników i przyjęcie nowych rozwiązań przyczyni się do sukcesu wdrożenia, sukcesu całej organizacji.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change ManagementCloud SecurityKnowledge & Insights
45 out of 60
Microsoft 365: 1-wöchige Pilotierung (PoC)Orange Networks GmbHUnsere Consultants setzen in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen einen Piloten für den Einsatz von Microsoft 365 in Ihrem Unternehmen auf.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityTeamwork Deployment
46 out of 60
Microsoft 365 - 4wk WKSHFUJITSUGemeinsam mit unseren Beraterteams gestalten wir kundenindividuell Microsoft 365 entlang Ihrer Geschäftsziele, Mitarbeiterbedürfnisse und technischen Anforderungen.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access Management
47 out of 60
Skaylink Endpoint Management: 2-Day WorkshopSkaylink GmbHDevices, Apps & Nutzer sicher organisieren mit einem Microsoft 365-Workshop von Skaylink
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityDevice Deployment & ManagementMobile Device Management
48 out of 60
Skaylink Securing Identities: 2-Day WorkhopSkaylink GmbHIdentitäten virtuell verifizieren & Risiken senken mit einem Microsoft 365-Workshop von Skaylink
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementThreat Protection
49 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Defender: 10-Day AssessmentVenzo A/SLet VENZO empower your organization to safeguard against cybercrime perpetrators with our Microsoft 365 Defender Solutions
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityInformation Protection & GovernanceThreat Protection
50 out of 60
Data Classification and labelling: 6-Months Impl.Toreon CVBAData classification and labelling in Information Protection. We guide the creation of the classification policy and implement data labelling in Microsoft 365 based on discovered data types.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityCompliance Advisory ServicesInformation Protection & Governance
51 out of 60
Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability: 2 T. WorkshopaConTech GmbHWir erarbieten Ihre individuelle Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie mit Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change ManagementCloud SecurityCompliance Advisory Services
52 out of 60
1-Tag Microsoft 365 Health & Security AssessmentComma Soft AGAssessment Ihrer bestehenden Microsoft 365 Umgebung hinsichtlich Best-Practices und Betreibbarkeit
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementThreat Protection
53 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Licence Health Check: 1-Day AssessmentITC Secure LtdA 1-Day Health Check to ensure your Microsoft security and identity licencing is fully understood and used optimally
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementThreat Protection
54 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Identity Security Health Check: 1-Wk AssessmentITC Secure LtdKnow your security vulnerabilities and get insight for Identity Security within your Microsoft 365 tenant
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementThreat Protection
55 out of 60
Modern Endpoint Workshop (3 Tage)PlanB. GmbHEndpoint Modernisierung mit Windows 365, Azure Virtual Desktop, Microsoft Managed Desktop, Windows 11 Enterprise und Microsoft Endpoint Manager.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityIdentity & Access ManagementMobile Device Management
56 out of 60
Licensing Microsoft 365: 1-day AssessmentInformatika a.d.We offer relationship-focused support and knowledge so that you can implement perfectly tailored Microsoft 365 subscriptions and solutions for your business.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change ManagementCloud SecurityCompliance Advisory Services
57 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Readiness und Strategie 5 Days WorkshopnovaCapta GmbHIn diesem fünftägigen Workshop entwickeln wir zusammen mit Ihnen eine gesamtheitliche Cloud-Strategie für Microsoft 365 individuell für Ihr Unternehmen.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityCompliance Advisory Services
58 out of 60
Lighthouse Mitigate Compliance & Privacy Risks Workshop - 4 WkLighthouse GlobalThis hands-on workshop helps intelligently identify and take effective action on insider risk leveraging Microsoft 365 and Purview.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityInformation Protection & GovernanceInsider Risk
59 out of 60
Microsoft 365 (SaaS), Azure (IaaS), Hybrid - Managed SAM Services: 6-Months ImplementationSCHNEIDER IT MANAGEMENT SARL & CIE SECSAll-in Managed Software Asset Management (SAM) Services Implementation. Manage the Consumption & Compliance of your Software Assets - no matter if Microsoft 365 (SaaS), Azure (IaaS) or Hybrid.
Applicable to:
Cloud SecurityCompliance Advisory ServicesWorkplace Analytics
60 out of 60