Advanced Notifications

de ERP Connect Consulting LLC

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Rich Text HTML Pop Up Notes, Email Notification Automation, and Ad Hoc User Tagged Notifications.

This version supports the NA Localizations only. For Additional Localizations see Additional App Listings.

Includes Free 30-Day Trial.

Advanced Notifications (ANT) empowers users to create advanced Rich Text HTML notes on Customers, Vendors, Items, Sales Documents, and Purchasing Documents. These detailed notes can be directly emailed to both BC and Non-BC users, allowing for seamless communication by tagging specific individuals or groups within the Advanced Notifications window of our BC Extension.

Advanced Notifications (ANT) offers broad accessibility, functioning across most Sales and Purchasing windows within the system. This allows users to communicate key tasks and activities without ever leaving Business Central. Additionally, this extension facilitates automated notifications for various events, such as the shipment of Sales Orders, receipt of Purchase Orders, adjustments in Inventory, Job Queue Failures, Credit Limit Warnings, and more.

One of its key features is the ability to tag others, triggering notifications and sending the user an email containing a link to the tagged document. This seamless integration streamlines communication and notification processes, ensuring that relevant stakeholders are promptly informed and enabling quick access to related documents within Business Central itself.

Key Features Include:

Rich Text HTML Notes

  • Rich Text HTML Notes for Customers, Vendors, Items, Purchasing, and Sales Documents
      • Includes the ability to add text, links, images, and more!
      • Rich text gives enhanced features that current notes (text only) cannot achieve
  • Ability to view "My Notifications" on the BC Role Center

Ad Hoc + On The Fly Notifications (with Email Workflows)
  • Within the notes mentioned above you have the ability to use the @ Symbol to tag any user our group
  • Tag Individuals and Groups to Create Notifications in Business Central
  • Tag Individuals and Groups to Create Email Notifications to users:
      • Email notifications can be sent to any user or group (including external groups)
      • Notes will automatically be emailed to the user or group with a link back to the exact record in BC that it was created on
      • Available on all Sales/Purchasing Documents, Master Data Records, and Production Orders

Pop Up Notes

  • Rich Text HTML Pop Up Notes for Customers, Vendors, and Items
    • Includes the ability to add text, links, images, etc.
    • Rich text gives enhanced features that current notes (text only) cannot achieve
    • Ability to Enable pop up for sales and purchase documents when the item, customer, or vendor is used in said documents.
    • Ability to auto-save and copy the note to the individual transaction
    • Ability to view a pop-up master list of notes

Automated (Event-Driven) Notifications
  • This creates automatic system generated notifications for the following:
  • All of the below can be generated as a notification or an email and can be sent to a user or group of users:
      • Purchase Order is Approved
      • Purchase Order is Received
      • Purchase Order has not been Received or Invoiced
      • Sales Order is Approved
      • Sales Order is Shipped
      • Sales Order Has Not Shipped or Been Invoiced
      • Quote is Expiring
      • Prepayment has been Received and Posted
      • Inventory Goes Negative
      • Inventory is Adjusted
      • Email on Job Queue Failure
      • Credit Limit Notification
        • Notify when customer is within a certain threshold (user defined)
        • Notify and Block (if toggled) when Credit Limit is exceeded
  • Toggle to indicated who does and does not receive notifications
  • Toggle whether to save notes as BC Notifications, Emails, or Both

Conversion, Setup, and Productivity
  • Ability to load notes from your previous system into Pop Up Notes and Ad Hoc Notes with XML Import Function
  • Ability to block emails and exclude users from receiving notifications where necessary
  • Ability to view a master list of all pop-up notes that exist in the system
  • Ability to see "My Notifications" on a users role center - users can easily see notes they have been tagged in
  • Ability to easily convert Advanced Notes to Azure Blob Storage

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