Time Tracking for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations

de proMX AG

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The add-on for Project Operations enables employees to track their working times and expenses.

What is Time Tracking?

proMX developed Time Tracking to extend the time and expense tracking functionalities of Microsoft’s project management solution Dynamics 365 Project Operations. Time Tracking enables employees to record their spent hours as well as their project-related expenses easily and precisely.

Time Tracking includes the following features:

  • Multi-project and multi-task tracking
  • Time stamps to mark start and end of working day
  • Possibility to edit entries up until submission
  • Copying of time entries for quicker use
  • Option to add specific resource roles to single project tasks
  • Customized filtering options
  • Color coding for different time entry states like “draft”, “submitted” or “approved”
  • Individual calendar partition (60-, 30-, 15- or 5-minutes sections)
  • Resizable pop-up windows
  • Quick create form-based tracking

Why Time Tracking?

The very flexible and highly precise add-on makes life easier for employees and project managers alike. Especially for companies in the professional services industry that are focused on project work, an accurate report of working hours for each resource is crucial, because it delivers an ideal basis for exact customer invoices.

You can perfectly combine Time Tracking with other proMX add-ons for Dynamics 365, for example, Project Gantt or Approval Manager. You find all our productivity apps to complement Dynamics 365 on AppSource.


Time Tracking for Dynamics 365 is available in English and German.


The app costs €10 per user/month.

Please note: Time Tracking extends Dynamics 365 and is not a standalone app.

Who developed this app?

proMX has been working in the field of Dynamics 365 since its launch, both as an implementation partner and as a developer of Microsoft Dynamics 365 apps. proMX has established itself as a leading Microsoft Dynamics Partner and helps companies find and implement modern business solutions to reinvent their productivity.

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