Loops – Creative Learning
de Skooler
Loops is a tool for teaching and learning through interactive mind maps.
Loops is used in both schools and companies. In Loops you can transform your educational content into a high quality digital experience. The mind-map structure provides the opportunity to create the pedagogical process, with the content you need, that is best for the context you are in.
The loop that you build yourself will be a mixture of your own texts, videos and tasks together with content you choose to link into the loop, all sorted into the 10 activities in Loops where you can communicate in different ways with your students.
The students will get a great overview of the area they are working with, thanks to the mind map structure, but also a path to follow. The learning experience will be versatile as students can watch videos, read texts, and learn from websites and quizzes. Either together or on their own in the loop.
In Loops, the students always communicate in the way they prefer. They can answer a question by writing a text of course, but also easily record a film or a sound file directly into the system, post a picture, add a link or attach a document.
As a teacher, you can see all your students' answers in a teacher panel where you can give feedback, check off a task, and communicate throughout the whole learning process.
Loops works great as a tool in the classroom, but also for distance learning. To instruct remote students, you can share your screen in an online meeting, but also interact with students in the product between the occasions when you meet.
Loops – Creative Learning contains a bot that will keep you updated about things happening in Loops.
- As a teacher, your notifications will tell you when assignments are handed in and when you get comments.
- As a student, you’ll receive notifications when a loop gets started, when you get new feedback on an assignment, or if you get a new comment.
In order to use this app, you need to have an active account with Loops.
Sign up on [https://loops.education/](https://loops.education/).
For contact or help, visit [https://help.loops.education/](https://help.loops.education/).
This app is available in English, Swedish, Norwegian (Bokmål) and Danish.
Capacitățile aplicației
- Poate să transmită date prin internet
- Această aplicație poate accesa informațiile personale din mesajul activ, cum ar fi numerele de telefon, adresele poștale sau URL-urile. Aplicația poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț. Alte elemente din cutia poștală nu pot fi citite sau modificate.