Core Strengths for Outlook

de Core Strengths

(4 evaluări)

Personalized communication tips to help you craft better emails, meetings, and conversations.

Tailor your communication style to custom-fit each recipient.

With a Core Strengths subscription, you can:

Write effective emails.

Get personalized tips to help you write emails that resonate with anyone in your organization. Our custom suggestions show you how to adjust your approach even if there's conflict.

Have productive meetings.

Prepare for meetings like never before. Know what to do, what to say, and what to avoid. Meeting outcomes will never be the same again.

Craft better conversations.

Bridge the gap between what is said and what is heard. We give you real-time insight to shape the discussions that matter most, even the difficult ones.

Core Strengths. High-trust collaboration for teams.

Powered by SDI 2.0. subscription required.

Capacitățile aplicației

Atunci când această aplicație este utilizată,
  • Poate să transmită date prin internet
  • Această aplicație poate accesa și modifica informațiile personale din mesajul activ, cum ar fi corpul, subiectul, expeditorul, destinatarii și informațiile despre atașări. Poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț. Alte elemente din cutia poștală nu pot fi citite sau modificate.

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