Showpad for Outlook
de Showpad NV
Easily find and share the latest content straight from Outlook.
Showpad for Outlook enables Marketing teams to put content where sellers need it most – in email client. With Showpad for Outlook, sales reps can easily find the content they need- wether it’s marketing-approved or personalized files, all without leaving their outgoing messages. Track email opens, page-by-page content views, downloads and forwards. Shorten your sales cycles by improving follow up time and tailor every message to your buyer.
Core Features:
- Easy Content Discovery: Search and browse your Showpad library to find content.
- Always on brand: Share marketing-approved content directly from your email client
- Powerful Insights: When content is shared, receive immediate notifications and tracking when the recipient views your content.
- Integrated with your CRM: track shared content and activities to new or existing accounts and opportunities.
You must have an active account to use this app. Not a Showpad customer yet? Get in touch here:
Capacitățile aplicației
- Poate să transmită date prin internet
- Această aplicație poate accesa și modifica informațiile personale din mesajul activ, cum ar fi corpul, subiectul, expeditorul, destinatarii și informațiile despre atașări. Poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț. Alte elemente din cutia poștală nu pot fi citite sau modificate.