Email & Sheet Automation

de OnLark

Saving you time by combining sheets with similar headers, and creating a single-list of emails.

The first program called "Email Automation" works as follows. This program will take two columns as input. It checks whether the emails are duplicates. If so, it deletes one of the emails. If not, it makes a copy of the row information and adds a new row.

The second program called "Sheet Automation" works as follows. This program combines all the sheets in this workbook into one. Please select one row which has a common name between all the sheets. The column name must be in Row 1 of the sheet. The program compares the column values between sheets. If they match, then the program adds additional columns to that row. If it is a unique value, the program will add an additional row to the new collated sheet.

Capacitățile aplicației

Atunci când această aplicație este utilizată,
  • Poate să citească și să aducă modificări documentului
  • Poate să transmită date prin internet

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