GTM Buddy
de GTM Buddy Inc
Search and find your sales content 🔍 and get notified on your prospect engagement 🎯 in realtime
I am GTM Buddy bot 🤖. I am here to notify you every time a prospect engages with your content. I will also help you win your sales conversations by helping you find all the information you need just at a click, powered by the intelligence of contextual AI.
What (and how) can I help you 💪
Find any sales doc at one click:
Just search on Microsoft Teams by conversing with your GTM Buddy bot for your content type (Eg. search finance case study) and get the most relevant information powered by contextual AI to win a deal.
Get notified of all your prospect engagements:
Gone are the days of toggling between Email and CRM apps to see the prospect engagement. GTM Buddy for Microsoft Teams sends you notifications (that you choose, of course) for each of your prospects’ activities on your shared content.
Collaborate seamlessly:
Get your GTM Buddy forum notifications and collaborate seamlessly in Microsoft Teams when a teammate assigns or @mentions you on a task/post.
To try GTM Buddy click here or drop an email to
Worry less, sell more!
Capacitățile aplicației
- Poate să transmită date prin internet
- Această aplicație poate accesa informațiile personale din mesajul activ, cum ar fi numerele de telefon, adresele poștale sau URL-urile. Aplicația poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț. Alte elemente din cutia poștală nu pot fi citite sau modificate.