3AG Systems - Column Chart With Relative Variance

de 3AG Systems

Microsoft PBI Certified
(5 evaluări)
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Calculates percentage change and displays an overlapped column chart with lollipop variance

Column Chart with Relative (%) Variance automatically calculates relative or percentage variance between two scenarios and generates an overlapping column chart that displays the relative variance with a lollipop chart situated parallel to the chart. The visualization is meant for comparing Actual, Forecast, Planned, and Previous Year data. The visualization formatting for the charts is influenced by the International Business Communication Standards (IBCS). By convention, it is recommended to use this chart with a time series variable on the x-axis. Customization available includes inversing the colours for red and green, resizing the data label font sizes, hiding data labels, adjusting units(to thousands-K, Millions-M, Billions-B) and more. This visualization is ideal for comparing “Actual vs. Planned”, “Actual vs. Previous Year”, “Forecast vs. Planned”, and “Forecast vs. Previous Year”.

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Acest element vizual este certificat de Power BI

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