Автор: JGraph Ltd
Enable visual collaboration on simple sketches and complex diagrams in Microsoft Teams
draw.io is a leading diagramming tool that allows you to collaborate visually in your browser or using our desktop tool.
draw.io allows you to add a diagram tab so you and your co-workers can collaborate on a diagram file stored in your OneDrive without leaving Microsoft Teams.
JGraph Ltd has been building secure diagramming technology since 2004:
- Works in every modern desktop browser
- Viewer for smaller screens and mobile devices
- You control of your data, we cannot access it
- Source code published on Github
All major diagram types are supported in this easy-to-use drag-and-drop diagramming app:
- Flowcharts and BPMN diagrams
- Org charts
- UML, ERD and network diagrams
- Infrastructure diagrams with major cloud vendors (Azure, AWS, GCP and IBM)
- Wireframes and mockups
- Mindmaps and whiteboard brainstorms
draw.io has the full range of powerful features:
- Collaborative real-time editing for diagrams stored in OneDrive or Google Drive
- Secure Single Sign On using your existing vendor authenication
- Easy custom shapes and library creation
- Informal sketch mode for hand-drawn styling
- Import conversion for diagrams created in other major diagramming tools
- Automated diagram creation from data sources
Add a diagram to a tab at the top of a chat or channel
Insert a diagram directly into messages
Additional resources
draw.io is brought to you by JGraph, a UK based technology company with 20 years of experience building web-based diagramming software.
This app will have permission to:
- Receive messages and data that I provide to it.
- Access my profile information such as my name, email address, company name, and preferred language.
- Receive messages and data that team or chat members provide to it in a channel or chat.
- Access information from this team or chat such as team or chat name, channel list and roster (including team or chat member's names and email addresses) - and use this to contact them.
Возможности приложения
- Может отправлять данные по Интернету
- Это приложение может получить доступ к личным сведениям в активном сообщении, таким как телефонные номера, почтовые адреса или URL-адреса. Приложение может отправлять эти данные в стороннюю службу. Другие элементы в почтовом ящике невозможно прочитать или изменить.