Smart Healthcare Solution

Автор: Avnet Inc.

IoT-centric solutions for healthcare providers and patients

As the healthcare technologies are advancing, there’s an increased engagement and consciousness of consumers when it comes to their health. In such a scenario, the demand for remote care is more encouraged than ever. However, the current healthcare ecosystems are not equipped with technologies that can improve patient care by updating them with real-time patient information and allowing them to take proactive measures for treatment. Our IoT solution for the healthcare sector allows hospitals to improve the care quality while focusing on overall expenditure reduction. The foundation of our Smart Healthcare solution. Sensors that collect patient data Cloud computing to store, process and analyze the data Web and mobile applications for caregivers and patients Gateway to transmit the data If you are a daycare center, assisted living facility, community health center, primary healthcare center or an outpatient clinic, we can help you. Our IoT healthcare solution gives you data accuracy resulting in better prediction of health related issues and proactive treatment plans from hospitals and ER services to physicians and clinics. Key challenges Decreasing operational costs Eliminating system errors Disease management Enhancing patient experience Better management of drugs Improving treatment outcomes

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