Power Platform Discovery: 4-Hr Workshop

Experience Digital

A high level discovery session, applicable to all industries: Make a huge impact by leveraging the power platform with its low code capability and quick turn around time.

About the workshop

During this 4-hour discovery process, we will discuss your business challenges and look for possible solutions to mitigate it by leveraging Power Platform. These workshops will be conducted remotely. The objective of this workshop is to work together to enable power platform within your organisation to resolve current challenges faced. The workshop can be a one off 4-hour session or 4 workshops of 1-hour each depending on our consultants and your availability. A high-level agenda for the workshop is as follows:

  • Understanding your business
  • Discussing your business challenges
  • Understanding your current technology landscape
  • Identifying areas of improvement
  • Interviewing users in identified areas/departments

How can it help your organisation?

These workshops will be helpful for organisations looking for nimble deployments and build applications, whether you are after business insights, automating processes, building new applications, or just identifying new processes and how to improve them. This workshop will cater for all such requirements. Power Apps are used to build mobile and web applications for your staff. You can also use Power Apps Portals for self-service and external collaboration. Depending on your requirements, you can either use Power Apps within Microsoft Teams or outside of it.

After the workshop

After the workshop, we will produce a proposed solutions document which will specify which component of the platform can resolve what challenges in your business along with a lump-sum cost. The delivery document would include the following components:

  • Solution Recommendations
  • Solution Architecture
  • Data Security
  • Application Mapping
  • Statement of Work
  • Timeline to deliver
  • Estimated Cost

Reach out to us for any questions.

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