Hungarian National Standards Localization Pack
Автор: AppVision Kft.
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Ease your administration with petty cash, advance payment and bank statement import functionality.
Does your business depend on Sales Advance payments? Do you handle cash in and cash out processes? Are you still entering your bank statements data manually?
However, regulatory functions are must haves for every company using an ERP system, we understand that there are other features, which could help you in your daily tasks. We call them National Standards, since they are part of our everyday business life.
Our app allows you to extend the Hungarian regulatory features, helps you to save time in the everyday administration and brings consistency to your data. Working as an extension makes our app easily and rapidly update-able whenever we add new features, providing continuous value for your money.
Features and benefits of using this extension:
- Sales Advance Payment
- Petty Cash
- Interfaces to Hungarian Banks, such as:
- Budapest Bank
- CIB Bank
- K&H Bank
- Etc. (adding new formats continuously)
- Bank account selection on sales and purchase documents
- Trading documents layout (sales quote, sales shipment -with and without pricing information-, sales invoice, sales credit memo, sales advance letter, sales advance invoice, sales advance credit memo)
Supported Editions:
This extension supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.Supported Countries:
HungarySupported Languages:
This app is available in English (United States) and Hungarian (Hungary).
Click the Contact me button to get the details of our offer.
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