B2F E-Reconciliation Management

Автор: B2F

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B2F Reconciliation Application provides you with the Microsoft Dynamics Business Central receivable-payable accounts, namely reconciliation processes between companies and their clients was handled physically, which was bringing many challenges along.

E-Reconciliation application, one of the e-Transformation applications has emerged with the need to migrate this process to an electronic environment. 3

What are the advantages of E-Reconciliation?

  • The time spent for the physical reconciliation is at the minimum level with the e-reconciliation application. It helps staff use their time more productively and efficiently.
  • Employee cost is also minimized as digital transactions reduce the need for labor.
  • E-Reconciliation reduces the costs such as paper, cargo, and archiving.
  • It also reduces the costs arising from correcting mistakes.
  • E-Reconciliation is eco-friendly.
  • Disputes relating to reconciliations can be resolved instantly in the digital environment.
  • Keeping the records of incoming replies in the system makes a faster monitoring process
  • Time and Cost Advantage
  • Instead of reconciliation using paper/fax or phone, Dynamics ERP is used to send the reconciliations to concerned parties and monitor the replies online.
  • Integration Opportunities
  • It provides the infrastructure for direct integration with your B2B and B2C systems (e-commerce, portal applications)
  • Ease of Monitoring and Reporting
  • It is easier to monitor the delivery status of e-mail notifications and to request addressees to send their own reconciliation files, and it is possible to enter multiple contacts.
  • Familiar Screens

  • Since the entire solution is designed on the Dynamics ERP, users work on the interface they are already familiar with and do not require separate system/software/interface need/installation.
  • Multi-Language and View Support
It is possible to define the reconciliation screens and e-mail templates in the own language of the reconciliation directly over Dynamics ERP.

Supported Editions:

The app supports the
Essential and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business

Supported Countries:

All Countries

Supported Languages:

This app is available in
English (United States) and Turkey (Turkish)

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