BC Insight Connector

Автор: GoPro doo

Export Business Central data to Azure Data Lake Blob Storage

BC Insight Connector tool is used for export data from Dynamics 365 Business Central (BC) to Azure Data Lake Gen2 (Blob Storage).

To successfully create a connection with an Azure Storage Account and export data to Azure Blob Storage, you need to configure the following settings on the extension:

  • Storage Account Name and Container
  • App registration - Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret

  • Export your Business Central data to Azure Data Lake Blob Storage.
  • Choose which tables and fields from Business Central you want to export, including standard and custom tables.
  • After setting up the BC Connector and performing the initial data export, all selected data for export will be organized into folders by table names within the defined container. Subsequently, any changes and updates in Business Central will be automatically exported in the next exports. This means that only changes (updates or deletions) will be exported, and you will receive files that contain only the changes, organized by system ID.
  • Schedule a job to export daily changes from Business Central to Azure Blob Storage.
  • After specific transformations and adjustments, in the GoPro BC Insight solution, the data could be loaded into Azure Data Warehouse, which structure and data models are predefined and then used in creating Power BI data sets and reports.
Supported editions:
This extension supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries:
Anywhere Business Central are available.

Supported Languages:
The app is available in Serbian (Serbia) and English (United States)

For more information, please contact us

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