Robocommodity CTRM

Автор: Robosoft Solutions

Integrated Commodity Trading Platform performing Trading, Operations and Risk Management, CTRM, ETRM

Float/Dynamic Pricing: Float contracts have prices tied to market indexes or reference prices, not fixed at signing. RoboCommodity+ supports float pricing for both purchase and sales transactions, offering three pricing rules: Date Range, Specific Dates, and Event Based. This allows for flexible pricing based on market fluctuations.

Hedging : The system allows users to manage various hedge contracts (Futures, Options, Swaps, Currency hedges) linked to physical trades (long/short positions). These contracts have expiry dates, position allocation features, and are compared to market prices to calculate unrealized gains/losses.

Benchmark : Benchmarks in commodity trading provide a crucial reference point for evaluating individual trades (both physical and hedging activities) against prevailing market price movements, enabling informed business decisions. These features facilitate comparisons across various dimensions: substitute products, different exchanges, varying pricing periods, and multiple cost valuation methods including Spot Price, Spot Average, Month Average, and Balance of Month Average. This comprehensive comparative analysis empowers traders to optimize strategies and manage risk effectively.

Mark to Market (MTM): MTM is a valuation method that reflects current market conditions, showing potential gains or losses based on current market value. It's used in RoboCommodity+ to compare stock on hand, returned inventory, open purchase orders, and open sales orders against current exchange prices to assess financial performance.

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