Cirrus Call Manager

Автор: Sysfore Technologies Pvt Ltd.

The Cirrus Call Manager is a Dynamics 365 add-on application which is integrated with Cirrus Contact

The Cirrus Call Manager is a Dynamics 365 add-on application which is integrated with Cirrus Agent Desktop Client(CADC) application. When a call comes in CADC, Cirrus Call Manager App will pop open the Dynamics 365 login for authentication and pulling up the caller's business phone’s records mapped in Lead, Contact and Account entities for you. If the caller’s number is matched with single record, the App will pop up the phone call activity for the matching entity record. If the caller's number is related to multiple records, the App will pull all related records into a grid and you can select which record you would like to open. Lastly, if the caller is not related to any record in your Dynamics 365 system, the App will pull open a search screen where you can conduct a search for the caller as well as provision to create Lead / Contact in Dynamics 365 system.

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