Country Map

Автор: Addinly

(1 оценки)

A powerful tool for displaying countries, regions or counties on 70+ different maps.

An interactive country map inside your PowerPoint presentation. Country Map is an add-in for PowerPoint. It can be used for various things, like highlighting countries, plotting sales data, and much more!

Free features

- Show a map of the whole world and highlight one or multiple countries

- Hovering over the world map will show the names of the countries

Paid features

- Choose from 70+ maps with thousands of regions. Highlight countries manually or based on a linear color scale.

- Visualize data by adding your own data to a map

- Focus on selected regions (zoom)

Возможности приложения

Во время использования это приложение
  • Может читать документ и вносить в него изменения
  • Может отправлять данные по Интернету

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