QR Code Tracker
Автор: Samnao
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QR Code Tracker lets you easily generate/scan QR codes in a sheet.
QR Code Tracker lets you easily generate/scan QR codes in a sheet.
QR codes generator
You can generate multiple QR codes by selecting a range of values in a sheet.
QR codes are pasted to the cell position on your sheet.
You can use the QR code generator to replace the QR code on your template.
QR codes scanner
Scan and track the QR code to a sheet.
The scanner uses the webcam to read QR codes and transform them into data in a sheet.
Возможности приложения
Во время использования это приложение
- Может читать документ и вносить в него изменения
- Может отправлять данные по Интернету
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