
Автор: Habanero Research LLC

The Shorthand for Excel Add-In enables team members to pull and publish data for easy collaboration.

The Shorthand for Excel Add-In is a component to Shorthand's enterprise data management tooling. For additional information, please contact your account manager.

The Shorthand for Excel Add-In provides simple SH.GET, SH.SET, and SH.CALL functions which allow users to quickly and dynamically access and update data published by their teammates. Paired with a powerful search engine and formula builder, Shorthand for Excel eliminates the learning curve associated with conventional query-based data pulling by combining your team's data with the ergonomics of a search engine.

Usage requires purchase of a Shorthand subscription. To learn more, visit or contact

Возможности приложения

Во время использования это приложение
  • Может читать документ и вносить в него изменения
  • Может отправлять данные по Интернету

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