Rival One for Excel

Автор: Rival Systems LLC

View real-time market data, risk metrics, positions, and trades from the Rival One trading platform

+ Description

Maximize your trading potential with the Rival One for Excel add-in – the ultimate tool for seamless integration of crucial trading data into Microsoft Excel. Effortlessly subscribe to real-time market data, option theoretical values, risk metrics, positions, and trades directly from the Rival One trading platform, all within the familiar Excel interface.

+ Key Features

++ Real-Time Market Data Subscriptions:

Subscribe to real-time market data across diverse asset classes, including futures, equities, options, and cryptocurrencies.

++ Real-Time Position and Trade Updates:

Stay informed with real-time updates on your positions and executed trades directly from the Rival One trading platform.

++ Flexible Data Retrieval with Rival.Sub Formula:

Leverage the versatile Rival.Sub formula to easily subscribe to specific instrument level data, providing a granular view tailored to your preferences.

++ Effortless Data Subscription via Admin Panel:

Easily select and subscribe to desired data using the admin panel, automating data population into your sheet without the need for manual formulas.

++ Empower Analysis with Excel’s Complete Feature Set:

Unlock the potential of Excel’s comprehensive feature set to create custom formulas and insightful charts using Rival One data, enabling in-depth analysis and visualizations tailored to your unique trading strategies.

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