Kanban Task Board (free)

Автор: Stratada

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The Stratada Program Taskboard enables a Agile/Kanban view of tasks, and connects to many sources.

The Stratada Program Taskboard shows cards from one or multiple projects and has card header colors and icons for categorization. The Taskboard can be connected to many types of work management data sources including , Azure DevOps, Microsoft Project Operations, Microsoft Tasks, Jira, Smartsheet and OnePlan. The Taskboard Standard version available at no cost here in the Office Marketplace has all of the same capabilities as the paid Professional Taskboard with the following limitations: - Maximum three buckets - Maximum ten tasks per bucket - Only one icon shape - diamond Visit the Stratada website for more information and to purchase the Taskboard Professional version

Возможности визуального элемента

Когда этот визуальный элемент используется, он
  • Может обращаться к внешним службам или ресурсам.

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