Acoach Global Sales Coaching System
Acoach delivers Accelerated Skill Development through enhanced coaching.
Organizations with large sales forces invest significant sums in their training programs often without a framework to ensure that the lessons are being taught and reinforced in the field.
Acoach solves that problem by delivering an application that allows coaches and their sales teams instant access to a universal coaching platform.
At the outset of implementing Acoach, KPIs and tolerance thresholds can be configured for dashboards, automated reminders and reports. Both qualitative and quantitative metrics can be established, benchmarked and tracked. The acoach team will ensure you have the correct KPIs to monitor coaching outcomes and progression towards your corporate goals. In addition, senior leadership, legal, compliance, training and HR teams will also be able to access the detailed management information they need.
Reminders & Indicators for Managers – The Acoach activity dashboard delivers instant visibility of your coaching ‘pulse’ at all levels. Dashboard alerts can be combined with automated email reminders to direct the user instantly to any coaching related event that needs addressing.
Acoach delivers the complete package that ensures large global field forces fully realize their potential.
Acoach runs on the Microsoft Azure network giving you global reliability, resilience and security.