The Rudolf B2B Sales Channels Management Software
Автор: The Rudolf Oy
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Visualise, Manage and share with your partners all your sales channels' actions effortlessly.
A common platform for you and your sales channel partners.
Include your sales channel partners in your team and communicate on projects and sales in real time.
With The Rudolf, you can see everything what is going on in your sales channels with just one click.
Our superb visualization gives you instantaneous situational awareness of your process status, sales actions, inventories, logistics, customer feedback, market information and much more.
Bring Together all the players in the field.
With Rudolf, you can work and collaborate with your sales channel partners as if they were part of your own company.
With our customisable and easy-to-use platform you can measure activities, compare progress, gather information using questionaires, allocate actions and enhance collaboration.
Fast to deploy and easy to learn and use
The Rudolf ensures quick implementation with minimal training needed. Our user-focused approach accommodates varying IT skills for fast adaptation – just in few hours! Full basic deployment within two days without hassle. Easy integrations with ERP…
It is super easy to use and customise for your processes and working habits.
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