Power Up with CRMK: 2-Day Workshop

Crm - Konsulterna i Sverige AB

1 day of training sessions - Power Platform, focusing on Power Apps, Power Automate and Dataverse, 1 day workshop, 1 app ready to use and licenses (10 for 6 months).

Learn how to empower your business with Power Apps!

This is CRMKs own version of the global concept App in a Day! This offer includes training for your IT department as well as for your future Citizen Developers (people from your own business). Learn about the possibilities with Power Platform as well as how to build low-code apps using Power Apps and set up automation with Power Automate.

During the training session you will be inspired to create apps which suit your business and after the training session we will help gather your requirements for your own app and we will build an app together with you.

Agenda Day 1 App in a Day

  • Canvas Apps
  • Dataverse
  • Model-driven apps
  • Power Automate
  • Summary

Agenda Day 2 App of the Day

  • Bring your own ideas!
  • We choose one of the ideas
  • Requirements Gathering
  • We start building together
  • Summary

After these days you will not only have your own app, you will also have the competence to start building your future apps.

There are also licenses included within this offer, 10 licenses for 6 months. If you already have licenses, please contact us and we can discuss around a setup without the licensing part.

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