MongoDB based Customer Onboarding Application
od: MongoDB, Inc.
A Bank Customer Onboarding Sample application showcasing MongoDB's integration with Power Platform
This is a sample application to showcase the integration between MongoDB Atlas, a unified developer data platform that hosts crucial transactional data at many enterprises, and the Power platform.
This solution depicts the scenario of a typical customer onboarding application using Power Apps, Power Automate and MongoDB Atlas. MongoDB Atlas, being a flexible and dynamic database, is well suited for modern applications. Also, it's distributed, highly available and secure architecture makes it a database platform of choice for rich, critical Power Apps based applications and Power Automate based automations.
The sample application is connecting and interacting with MongoDB Atlas using the certified custom connector available on the Microsoft’s open source Github repository. Power Apps uses the connector for Inserting, retrieving, and updating the customer inputs on the Onboarding Form to MongoDB Atlas. Power Automate flow uses the connector to find the document from MongoDB Atlas and update the status of the validation.
The front end GUI of the application is built in Power Apps, which also allows uploading documents as proofs (passport in this case).
The validation of the submitted proofs is done using a Power Automate flow leveraging its inbuilt AI capabilities to extract data from unstructured data (uploaded proofs in this case).
The details that the customer inputs in the GUI are stored in a MongoDB Atlas database collection. These inputs can also be retrieved using the “Retrieve Existing Application” option. The result of the validation in Power Automate flow is also stored back to MongoDB Atlas.
1. Landing Page – Start a new application or Retrieve an Existing One
2. Customer Onboarding Form – Blank in case of a new application and pre-filled with saved details from Customer’s last session fetched from MongoDB Atlas
3. Upload Feature – Upload the document to Azure Blob storage
4. Save Feature – Insert the details entered/ updated to MongoDB Atlas
5. Submit Feature – Insert/ Update details into MongoDB Atlas and trigger Power Automate flow for the back end validation
6. Validation Results – Result of validation is updated back to MongoDB Atlas and mail is triggered to user with the result in the Power Automate flow
Create a MongoDB Atlas cluster
Support :
Instructions to download and run this application are detailed in the "User Guide to Install the application" under the "Details + Support" tab.
Visit our Github page for the step by step process which was followed to build this application.
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