Checklist Template

od: Microsoft Power Platform

The Checklist App template enables employees in an organization to create checklist reports.

The Checklist App template enables people within organizations to create checklist reports based on custom created templates. The templates can be composed of any required number of steps wherein sub-step(s) can be created into. You can then use these templates to create reports for a categorized inventory setup you create within the application.

The Checklist App allows:

  • Creation of custom checklist templates to fit any use case

  • Templates created can be tailored for different tasks such as assembly. disassembly, inspection, day to day tasks, etc.

  • Report creators can pick from the range of custom templates you created for use against the items in your inventory.

  • Viewing and creating reports can be comfortably accomplished on the ‘user’s time’ since the application allows for saving of current work as draft and going back to them later.

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