DMS - Visit Management

od: Yokogawa Votiva Solutions

DMS - Visit Management

Visit route creation

○  Create visit route and assign one or multiple sales persons to the route

○ Arrange multiple visit schedules and routes for different sales persons

○ Set up the Number of cycles which determines the number of times a route would repeat

Event scheduling

○  Schedule events for the route by adding customers (aka) destinations to visit

○ Schedule events on any specific day(s) of the week

○ Edit the frequency of visits as well as priority for each of them

    2.   Tasks

Task creation

○  Create tasks with distinctive names and description details

Task assignment

○  Assign specific tasks to sales persons with special filter that can be used in case the sales persons of a certain route take up either the same or different tasks

    3.   My Sales

Sales person management

○  See the list of all the current sales persons existing on the D35 system

Location identification

○  Identify where each sales person is located at on the map

    4.   My Tasks

○ View all information related to the created route including all the destinations that were added to the route as well as all the tasks that were assigned to that route.

○ View personal tasks of sales persons

○ Update task completion progress

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